Instead of sending a message in the way that is best for us, the marketer, we should ask ourselves – What way is best for our intended audience?
Instead of sending a message in the way that is best for us, the marketer, we should ask ourselves – What way is best for our intended audience?
Examine your audience.
You should ask yourself at least three questions about your audience –
How do they normally consume information?
- Radio
- Television
- Online
- Live events
Where do they usually seek it?
- news/media sites directly or bookmarking sites (Digg, StumbleUpon, etc.)
- social sites
- podcasts- Blogtalk, iTunes, Bluebrry, Odeo
- industry outlets (eMarketer, Publisher’s Weekly)
- Friends and family (word of mouth)
How are they retaining information?
Most people have a preference of how they teach themselves to retain information.
We want to tap into that in order to have them retain our message.
The three main ways someone learns are-
Experience (Kinesthetic)
Most people use a combination, but have a preference toward one.
You should identify your general audience, the way they consume information, where they get it and then identify their preferences.
The link below gives you some tips on how to identify learning/retaining styles.
If you’re looking to target a very specific audience work your marketing campaign toward the identified style of accepting, processing and retaining information and deliver your message via that route.
If you are looking to get a message out to a larger, general audience, identify a specific promotional idea and apply one idea per style of learning.
For an example see this site-
Visual is covered with video.
Auditory is covered with radio/podcast.
Experience is covered with blogging, radio and Twitter where the audience is invited to participate in the conversation.
Don’t forget to always include a funnel toward your website when using any of these methods.
For video you should have a call to action, your URL at the end of the video and within the description when you upload it.
For auditory, whether that is radio or a pre-recorded podcast you’re putting on your site, include the call to action whether that is to participate in something, or a reminder at the end as to why they need you.
When blogging or using Twitter be sure to ask questions that invite participation and try to keep that conversation going as long as you can.
If you’re able to meet someone in person this is ideal since live interaction is possible.
Match the learning/retaining style to the outlet
If your audience is visual and their preference is industry outlets you can create a video to use as an ad in those outlets, or find a way to include the names of those outlets in your video, description or tags.
If your audience prefers word of mouth, try becoming a trusted resource, or join a strong community specific to your market. Check the various sites for example.
Marketing isn’t just about putting your product in front of who you believe your audience is. It’s about getting the message to stick and creating fertile ground for your message to grow.