Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Predatory Game - Photos and Follow Up

Our staff photographer, Jen Henderson, brought some great photos over tonight of the shoot. Many of these will go up on Christine's site when I write the article about the trailer. But, I thought I would put up a few for those of you who are following the blog.

Brian Schell did a wonderful job as our hero Jesse Calhoun. I did a little mini-interview with him that you can find in a previous blog here.

I was very happy with Brian's performance. This was his first acting experience. In "real life" he is in law enforcement, and he does modeling on the side. I really thought he made a perfect Ghostwalker!

Lauren was a wonderful heroine but was a little shy. She was able to overcome that long enough to do the kissing scenes though. Yes...she made that sacrafice just for you! Isn't she so sweet?! LOL

Lauren says she really enjoyed the fight scenes the most, but those kissing scenes can't be all THAT bad, right? LOL

The two made a great couple and really matched the character descriptions from the book. Saber is very petite and young looking and Jess is large and very masculine. I was so happy with the way their characters came across on film.

Lauren did a scene where Saber is sent to assasinate a senator and that scene turned out so great!!! You'll see some other party-goers and those extras are some friends of the family and some are Christine's daughters. You may recognize them from the many Drake Sister trailers we've done.

The man playing the senator in the scene is Christine's son Mark. He also played the villain in Safe Harbor. Mark is an experienced martial arts expert and helped to choreograph the fight scenes with Christine. Plus...he looks hot in a suit so we just had to use him in the trailer! LOL

We've got literally hundreds of pictures from this shoot. Some are behind the scenes and some are of the scenes being acted out. Keep an eye out for the Behind The Scenes article that will go up on Christine's site by the first of the year!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Final Day of the Shoot- Predatory Game

It's a wrap! We have completed the Predatory Game shoot and are now back at the studio sampling in the footage. We'll go through it tomorrow and start editing.
I have two more video blogs for you. Here is one with the star, Brian Schell who had a slight mishap with his jacket during the shoot that he will tell you about.

It was very fun and very interesting to work with Christine. As most of you know she taught self-defense and martial arts. She worked to choreograph the fight scenes for both the hero and the heroine. I took some footage of her working with Lauren, then I got some of Domini working with Lauren again right before the actual shoot.

This has been really fun blogging during the shoot. If we get enough interest in these blogs we will do another one for our next trailer, which is a Drake Sisters trailer next month.

Thank you!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Day 4 Predatory Game - Christine's Blog

Hi all!

We got day one of two done with the shoot for the book trailer! It went really well and Brian Schell is such a great guy...and very funny too!
Christine helped with the fight scenes and we have one more tomorrow that she will help us with!
This has been a big production with a lot of extra actors, big effects and lots of fighting. Very cool stuff!
Christine answered all of the questions you asked. Yes, she answered the one about Barrack and Syndil too. lol :-)

I put her answers in smaller snippets so those of you with dial up can view them easier.

Blog 1 above. We finished the work for the day and were so tired! We sat back and relaxed a little and talked about the blog and how fun it was.

Blog 2

You can see Christine's little dogs running around and begging for attention. They didn't care if we were doing an interview. They don't blog and were totally unconcerned with my deadline! LOL

This has been so fun! Please leave any comments or questions by Sunday night. We will leave at that time and won't get a chance to interview Christine for another month!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Day 3 Blog Pre Production Predatory Game Book Trailer

Here we are. Day 3 of the pre production for Predatory Game Book Trailer. We start the shoot tomorrow!

Michael Miller answers questions that YOU sent!

Hear some of the answers I give about casting, Brian and more!

This is about a 8-10 minute video, so if you have dial up it may be hard to watch. I know Christine is going to have these put on MySpace at some point, which may be easier to watch, but give it a try here. And don't forget to send in your comments and questions!

I got to Christine's today, but it's very busy right now and late. I got to see and chat with Brian Schell. He is very nice and I'm looking forward to working with him tomorrow.

Christine is ready to answer your questions and we'll do her interview/vlog tomorrow some time.

Wish us luck on tomorrow's FIRST DAY OF THE SHOOT!

Predatory Game Day 2 Pre Production Book Trailer

Well, day 2 of pre production is done. We worked all day on getting wardrobe and making or buying props. We have made a smoke bomb (no...not a real one, but it looks cool!) to go with our gas masks that we bought last week!

Thank you to Anne and Denise for sending questions. I answered them in the video above. Semet, thank you as well! We'll get to ask Christine questions tomorrow!

I have to see if my new little camcorder ( I got the new Flip) will work at Christine's place on her computer. If not, I'll have to upload the next set of videos on Saturday when Mike brings his portable editor over.

Above is a little snippet of our crew meeting for Day 2 of pre production for the book trailer. It lasted about 2 hours (you see about 3-4 minutes of that)and we'll re-group again tomorrow to make sure all assignments are complete and ready to go for the Saturday and Sunday shoot.

The thumbnail you see above is of Jacob Henderson who does our special make up, special effects and lots of other important jobs. The main person speaking is our special and visual effects guru Michael Miller. Mike hates to be in front of the camera, so I didn't tell him that I was filming him. LOL shhhhhh....don't tell him! LOL

I hope to get more comments and questions for tomorrow's meeting with Christine and for anyone on the cast and crew!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Predatory Game Pre-Production Day 1

Christine Feehan's newest installment of the Ghostwalker, or "Game", series is entitled Predatory Game.
Predatory Game has Ghostwalker Jesse Calhoun and mysterious Saber Wynter paired together as someone seeks to stop Jesse's investigation and capture Saber. You'll learn more as the week progresses.
But, for now, we want to invite YOU to participate in the this blog by sending questions to the director, actors, crew, or even to Christine Feehan herself!
Watch our Vlogs (video blogs) that give you little glimpses of how we prepare to do the book trailer for a novel.

Leave your questions in the comments section of this blog. We will check the comments every day and answer questions either in writing or on video.

We will interview Christine sometime on Friday, so please have questions for her by then. We may not be able to get to all of the quetions with the video, but we'll do our best to get you answers eventually in writing.

What would YOU like to know?

Now, check out day 1 of pre-production as we speak to Lauren and look at wardrobe.

Lauren is a sweet, beautiful, slightly shy girl who thinks kicking bad-guy butts is still womanly! Woohoo! Go Lauren!