Friday, December 07, 2007

Day 3 Blog Pre Production Predatory Game Book Trailer

Here we are. Day 3 of the pre production for Predatory Game Book Trailer. We start the shoot tomorrow!

Michael Miller answers questions that YOU sent!

Hear some of the answers I give about casting, Brian and more!

This is about a 8-10 minute video, so if you have dial up it may be hard to watch. I know Christine is going to have these put on MySpace at some point, which may be easier to watch, but give it a try here. And don't forget to send in your comments and questions!

I got to Christine's today, but it's very busy right now and late. I got to see and chat with Brian Schell. He is very nice and I'm looking forward to working with him tomorrow.

Christine is ready to answer your questions and we'll do her interview/vlog tomorrow some time.

Wish us luck on tomorrow's FIRST DAY OF THE SHOOT!

1 comment:

Maya said...

THANK YOU for answering my questions!!! Mike didnt look nervous at all!! I should ask harder questions!!! HEHE!! Wouldnt he want to kill me? HEHEHE!! I guess what I meant about the special effect was the trend in special effects. Now I see a lot of that first person effect on the camera. Its like the camera is on the actors. It shakes and you see what the actors sees (which I personally dont like since it makes me dizzy). I guess my question should be, do you try to fit in the trend in the film industry into the book trailers? THANK YOU Mike for going in front of the camera!! I owe ya!! LOL!!! LOVE YOU ALL!! Maida